Information on Samuel R. McCall family was found at the Butler County Courthouse. Among the records at the time of Samuel McCall's death in 1918... He was also a resident of Cleveland at the time of his death... Owned a house and lot in Euclid, Clay Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, valued at $800.00. Samuel had a paid secretary take notes at the funeral service and graveside. At the time of Samuel McCall's death in 1918, four McCall bodies were moved from the Muddy Creek Cemetery to North Side Cemetery. These bodies were that of:
Edwin E. McCall, b. 1867 - d. 1903; Della McCall, b. 1882- d. 1884, age 21 mos.; Twin Infants - Daughters,
b. 1884, d. at 10 & 18 days old.
Samuel served in the Civil War - Company A, 212th, 6th Artillary from 8/31/64 to 6/13/65.
Civil War Service Record:
McCall, Samuel R., Company A, Unit: 6 Pennsylvania H.Art'y., Rank Induction: Private, Rank Discharge: Private, Allegiance: Union.
Inscriptions on monuments in North Side Cemetery:
Samuel R. McCall, May 5, 1845 - Dec. 24, 1918
Nancy C. McCall, June 20, 1845 - Nov. 27, 1921
Edwin E. McCall, M.D., Sept. 7, 1866 - Feb. 23, 1903
Della Vern McCall, June 21, 1873 - Apr. 20, 1874
Twin Infants: Dec. 30, 1883 - died Jan. 20, 1884 & Jan. 28, 1884, daus. of S. R. & N. C. McCall
(Note: There are discrepancies in dates from the Courthouse and from inscriptions on the monuments.)
Info from: Dr. George E. Petrie III
Samuel Robison McCall was born May 5, 1845 in Butler Co., PA and died Dec. 24, 1918 at 100 Orchard Ave., Butler, PA. He married Nancy Charlotte Thompson Dec. 17, 1865, daughter of James Thompson and Sarah Patterson. She was born June 20, 1847 in Butler Co, PA and died Nov. 27, 1921 at 201 Mercer St., Butler, PA.
According to the 1870 and 1880 Census of Butler Co., Clay Twp., PA, Edwin McCall was living in the household of his grandmother, Sarah (Patterson) Thompson.
Samuel MCCALL, Jr. (ID:I314), b. 6 Aug 1806, Butler County, Pennsylvania, USA , d. 30 Mar 1850, Center TWP, Butler County, Pennsylvania, USA (Age 43 years)
Elizabeth MARTIN (ID:I505), b. 13 Mar 1812, Pennsylvania, USA , d. 18 Jan 1870, Butler County, Pennsylvania, USA (Age 57 years)
[S119] 1910 Census of Pennsylvania - Miracode Index.
State: PA; Enumeration District: 0079; Visit: 0024; Samuel R. McCall, Age: 64; Color: W; Birth Place: Pennsylvania; County: Butler; Relation: Head of Household; Other Residents: Wife Nancy C. 63, Pennsylvania
[S151] 1900 Census of Butler County, Clay Twp., PA.
June 11, 1900; SD91; ED64; Sheet 8; Pg.240; (Image 15); Samuel McCall, b. May 1845, age 55; Wife Nancy, b. June 1847, age 52; Son Clarence, b. Aug. 1880, age 19; Son Orville, b. June 1885, age 14. All born in Pennsylvania.
[S112] 1880 Census of Butler County, Clay Twp., PA.
June 1, 1880; SD10; ED34; Page 12; Samuel R. McCall, age 35, Occ: Farmer; Wife: Nancy C., age 32, Occ: Keeping House; Son: James T., age 12, At Home; Son Willis M., age 10, At Home; Dau: Florence, age 4, At Home; Son Bertram A., age 2, At Home. All born in Pennsylvania.
[S98] 1870 Census of Butler County, Clay Twp., PA.
July 7, 1870, P.O. Coultersville, Page 13, 125, (Image 13); Samuel McCall, age 25, Occ: Farmer, Value of RE 1,000., Value of PE 600.; Charlotte, age 23, Occ: Keeping House; James, age 2. All born in Pennsylvania.