Frances Sloan affidavit:
Bedford County, Parsonly appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said County, Frances Slone and being duly sworn according to law on her solom oath deposeth and saith that she, the deponant, was the reputed step-daughter-in-law of John Wason, decest, late of Cumberland County now of Franklin County, then of Antrim now of Peters, and was well acquent with the famely of the said John Wason, and she, this deponant, saith that to the best of her knowledge and she believeth the said John Wason left issue but three children, viz. Thomas, James and Elizabeth, said Elizabeth has since intermarried with Joseph Hartley.
Sworn and subscribed January 1, 1801, before me Abednego Stephen.
Francis Sloan.
A true copy taken from the original the 13th day of Aprill, 1812.
John Findlay.