Mueller Diefenbach Heritage Pages
Vorfahren & Nachkommen von John Carl Müller und Carl Louis Diefenbach
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Last Name: 

Johann Karl Müller. Matthew Kreisle. Carl Louis Diefenbach. These men sought a new life in America, leaving their homes in Germany. I can but imagine what they went through as they sought out a new life in the United States.

My dad accomplished an amazing amount of genealogical research the old-fashioned way: telephone calls and letters and trips to the National Archives to do the research by hand. I'm still amazed at what he accomplished with those "limited" resources.

I hope to document the ancestors who helped shape my history and their descendants to be able to share it with their descendants, no matter where they've drifted across the world. Posts about my work can be found here at my blog. You are invited to join in the exploration. I'm researching the following lines:

Baldinger, Bleike, Bock, Cahal, Durst, Kreisle/Kreussle, Mayer, Mueller, Smith, Tschudi, Wild

Crabtree, Diefenbach, Garrison, Hawthorne, Lubaski, Schmidt, Wallace, Wasson, Weethee, Williams

Fitch, Fulton, Safko, Singleback, Wasson

Thoughts on Genealogy

We don't know when our name came into being or how some distant ancestor acquired it. We don't understand our name at all, we don't know its history and yet We bear it with exalted fidelity, we merge with it, we like it, we are proud of it as if we had thought it up ourselves in a moment of brilliant inspiration. ~ Milan Kundera

Most Wanted

I am looking for information about these ancestors. Can you help?

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Today in Family History
Birthdays for 19 Feb 2025
Matthew KREISLE - 1831 (194 years ago.)
Deaths for 19 Feb 2025
Hoye Blake SMITH - 1964 (61 years ago.)
Anniversaries for 19 Feb 2025
John A. COURTNEY & Mary Elizabeth QUEEN - 1868 (157 years ago.)
Latest News

Our database presently contains information on 1,886 individual people, including 498 unique surnames making up 631 families.

1 April 2024 - March 2024 Updates

1 March 2024 - February 2024 Updates

1 February 2024 - January 2024 Updates

4 April 2022 - March 2022 Updates

4 February 2022 - Recent Updates

2 Jan 2018 - Happy New Year! I'm adding written summaries of several people to my blog. One genealogy blogger referred to them as "cousin bait." My hope is that as people search for these names, they'll find the summary on the blog, which will point them here. If one of those "cousin bait" posts found you, welcome! I look forward to hearing from you.

Ich füge schriftliche Zusammenfassungen von mehreren Personen zu meinem Blog hinzu. Ein Genealogie-Blogger bezeichnete sie als "Cousin-Köder". Ich hoffe, dass die Leute, wenn sie nach diesen Namen suchen, die Zusammenfassung im Blog finden, die sie hier zeigen wird. Wenn einer dieser "Cousin Köder" Beiträge dich gefunden hat, willkommen! Ich freue mich darauf, von dir zu hören.

24 Nov 2017 - Updates in progress - I've updated the site from version 9 to version 11 of TNG, which brings some new functionality, including DNA Test displays and Census Transcript displays. I'm also working on tweaking a few things, so bear with me. You can see an example of the Census Transcript at Amelia Schirmer's page.

Updates in Bearbeitung - Ich habe die Site von Version 9 auf Version 11 von TNG aktualisiert, was einige neue Funktionen mitbringt, darunter DNA Test Displays und Census Transcript Displays. Ich arbeite auch daran, ein paar Dinge zu optimieren, also ertrage mich. Auf der Seite von Amelia Schirmer können Sie ein Beispiel für das Zensus-Transkript sehen.

7 Sept 2013 - I'm working on connecting some of my lines here with the Family Tree project at the LDS Family Search website. You'll see a 7-character code on some individuals, listed as the Family Tree ID. Likewise, on that site, I'm listing this site as a source. I think I'm only going to copy specific lines that have me stumped, like Andrew Baldinger; I don't know anything about his parents.

31 Mar 2013 - I have begun translating portions of the site into German. TNG already has excellent foreign language support, but the mods and custom text that I've added need to be translated. I'm using Google Translate, so if you find an obvious error, please let me know.

Ich habe angefangen zu übersetzen, Teile der Seiten ins Deutsche. TNG hat bereits hervorragende Unterstützung von Fremdsprachen, aber die Mods und Custom Text, den ich hinzugefügt haben müssen übersetzt werden. Ich bin mit Google Translate, wenn Sie also einen offensichtlichen Fehler finden, lass es mich wissen.

29 Apr 2012 - This is why genealogy researchers put their data online. Today I received an email from the GGG granddaughter of Philipp H Mueller, my GG uncle. My dad's family had lost contact with Philipp's side decades ago. Wonderful news.

18 Apr 2012 - It's funny what turns up when you're entering new data. I was updating the Fulton line with Charlie Wasson when it struck me that the name was familiar. When I searched the name and saw how many Wassons I had, I tried to figure out what was going on. Turns out my late mother-in-law descended from a Wasson. I have no connection between them yet, but it's certainly an interesting coincidence.

1 Jan 2003 - Darrin invents TNG, the be-all and end-all of genealogy software.

1 Jan 2000 - Once does not end. Experts blame Y2K.

5 May 1821 - Napolean dies in exile on St. Helena.

19 Oct 1781 - Blaming, "...that burrito I ate last night," Lord Cornwallis sends an aide to surrender his sword after Yorktown.

19 May 1536 - Anne Boleyn fails to keep a level head.

9 Sep 1492 - Columbus threatens to, '...turn this boat right around,' if the crew doesn't stop complaining about the food.

1013 - Sweyn Forkbeard invades England and Aethelred II "The Unready" flees to Normandy.

1 Jan 1000 - The world does not end-Catholic Church blames the Julian Calendar.

21 Apr 612 - Sir Robin bravely runs away.

3 Apr 33 - Brian takes one for the team.

15 Mar 44 BCE - Julius Caesar murdered.