Mueller Diefenbach Heritage Pages
Vorfahren & Nachkommen von John Carl Müller und Carl Louis Diefenbach
First Name: 
Last Name: 


 #   Report Name   Description 
1. Single source report for J. C. Mueller Family compilation This report lists all individuals whose only source is the J. C. Mueller Family compilation. 
2. Single source report for BaldingerChart This report lists all individuals whose only source is BaldingerChart 
3. WW2 Test  
4. Veterans In Our Family Military veterans, regardless of branch of service or conflict. Living veterans are not shown except to logged in Users. 
5. Foreign Births - Domestic Deaths Individuals with known birth and death places, born outside the US, who died in the US.  
6. Families: Multiple Births Families with multiple births 
7. Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother  
8. Individuals: With Zodiac Sign by sign A list of all the people with their Zodiac sign, sorted by Zodiac sign. 
9. Individuals: Frequency of Zodiac signs Just a fun report showing how many people have which Zodiac signs. It only lists people where I know their exact birth date.